It’s time for the first DS film screening of the semester! We kick off with what is widely regarded as one of the best films of all time: Rashomon, directed by the legendary Akira Kurosawa.
It is a story about the reliability of memory and also about what makes one story – one person – more believable than another. The story tells four different versions of the events that lead to the rape (or seduction) of a woman and the murder (or honorable death) of a samurai, from four very different points of view. What motives do the four narrators have, both as narrators and in the stories they tell? What moves us to act, and what beliefs about human motivation do we bring to the tale in our assessment of each version?
The film will be introduced by Dr. Riley Soles, whose area of expertise is within East Asian Literature, Philosophy, and Culture. Dr. Soles currently holds an appointment at the Institute of Sacred Music and he is of course also currently a member of the DS faculty this semester!
Please note: the film contains some scenes of sexual violence.
Any questions about this screening or the rest of the semester’s DS film program, please contact Professors Andrew Werner and Jonathan Fine.